Tag: L’Academie de Cuisine

culinary school flashback: week 7

culinary school flashback: week 7

Does anyone else watch the Great British Baking Show?! I LOVE that show!! There was an episode where the contestants had to make something called a “Floating Island,” which is a meringue that you cook in a water bath and serve with an ice cream 

culinary school flashback: open house

  This is a super quick post about our open house. It was fun to have my hubby and sister come see where I spent all my time … ~~~ l’academie de cuisine open house This past saturday, we headed into the kitchen to make 

culinary school flashback: not all about food

culinary school flashback: not all about food

Being in culinary school is fun because you get to learn so many new recipes, and try lots of new types of food. It is, however, A LOT of hard work. And not just while your cooking. Learning to be a great cook is so 

culinary school flashback: week 4 in review

I’m back with another flashback! Week four of school already! ~~~ week four in review It’s hard to believe I am already 1/3 of the way through phase 1 of my program. Only 8 more weeks before I transition to phase 2 and then it’s 

culinary school flashback: first exam

And before I knew it, the day of our first exam was here 😬. I remember being nervous because I had no idea what to expect! I didn’t take any pictures of the exam because there was no time. ~~~ our first exam day Today was 

culinary school flashback: soups & salads

culinary school flashback: soups & salads

I’m back with another flashback to share my original post about our day at school. I also share photos of the first few recipes we learned. Rereading this made my mouth water, and now I can’t wait for it to be fall so I can 

culinary school flashback: phase 1 day 1

I’m back with another culinary school flashback post. If you missed the first one about my decision to go, you can read it here. This next post talks about my first day of school. I may or may not have added a photo of me 

culinary school flashback: the decision

culinary school flashback: the decision

I had been struggling to figure out how to best share all my old blog posts, from when I was in culinary school. My sister mentioned doing a throwback series, making it’s less overwhelming, and way more fun to relive. Not sure why I didn’t 

guest blog @ l’academie de cuisine

guest blog @ l’academie de cuisine

I never thought I would go to culinary school!!! I write about it in my first original culinary school blog posted (coming later this week), but I always thought it would just be a dream. Thanks to a lot of soul searching and an incredible